what you can do to help your personal injury lawyer texas

Success in a personal injury case requires a collaborative effort between the plaintiff and their lawyer. Pursuing a claim is a complex process that can take months or sometimes years to complete. If you’re an accident victim seeking financial compensation, you can help your lawyer improve the chances of a favorable, timely outcome by taking five simple courses of action:

  • Make full disclosure — Be sure to tell your lawyer everything about your case. Share all information, even if it is embarrassing or seems to devalue the amount of your claim. The defense side usually finds out all of the inconvenient truths anyway, so it is better for the lawyer to prepare in advance rather than be surprised.
  • Follow the lawyer’s advice — People hire lawyers for their skill and experience, yet legal advice is sometimes ignored. For example, lawyers routinely advise their clients not to talk about the matter with a third party or on social media, since releasing unguarded information can have disastrous consequences. Whatever your lawyer tells you to do or not to do is in your best interests.
  • Respond fully and quickly — The litigation process includes actions and deadlines that must be strictly followed. When the attorney or legal team member tells you that something is required by a certain date, do not delay. Failure to meet a court date or procedural deadline might prejudice your case. If you are not sure what needs to be done, ask questions. If you find it difficult or impossible to meet a deadline or to make a required appearance, inform your attorney as soon as possible. There is usually a way to extend a deadline or appearance if there is advance notice.
  • Document everything — Be sure to record all information concerning the underlying accident, such as dates, times, witnesses, sequences of events and conditions at the scene. Document any injuries and keep records of all treatments, therapies and medications. Keep detailed records of all property damage and repair bills. Also be sure to work closely with your healthcare providers. Follow each treatment plan and have the providers write detailed notes of progress or setbacks.
  • Be patient — Personal injury claims can seem to drag on with nothing happening. However, keep in mind that there are many steps to resolving a claim. Representatives of insurance companies, defense counsel and the courts are often involved in your case. Each person has a specific function and allowable timeline for completing their work. Many of these requirements are beyond your attorney’s control. Being patient and allowing your counsel time to pursue the best possible results will be to your advantage.

Hope & Causey in Conroe, Texas focuses its practice on personal injury cases. Our team devotes the time and attention needed to guide accident victims through the damages claim process with a view to achieving the best results possible. Feel free to contact us online or call 936-441-4673 for an initial consultation.